martes, 31 de diciembre de 2013

Linux and UNIX Overview


Linux vs Unix

Linux is an example of Open Source software development and Free Operating System .
Unix   is an operating system that is very popular in universities, companies, big enterprises etc...


Linux kernel is developed by the community. Linus Torvalds oversees things. 
Unix  Solaris (Oracle), AIX (IBM) & HP-UX Hewlett Packard. And Apple Makes OS X.


Linux can be installed on a wide variety of computer hardware, ranging from mobile phones, tablet computers and video game consoles, to mainframes and supercomputers.

UNIX operating system is used in internet servers, workstations & PCs. Backbone of the majority of finance infastructure and many high availability solutions.

Graphical User Interface

Linux typically provides two GUIs, KDE and Gnome. But Linux GUI is optional.
Unix   was a command based OS, but later a GUI was created called Common Desktop Environment CDE. Most distributions now ship with Gnome.

Text mode interface

Linux default shell is BASH. It can support multiple command interpreters.

Unix Now it's compatible with many others including BASH, Korn & C.


Linux Support dozens of different kinds.
Unix   Support x86/x64, Sparc, Power, Itanium, PA-RISC, PowerPC and many others.


Linux is originally developed for Intel's x86 hardware, ports available for over two dozen CPU types including ARM

Unix is available on PA-RISC and Itanium machines. Solaris also available for x86/x64 based systems.OSX is PowerPC(10.0-10.5)/x86(10.4)/x64(10.5-10.8)

$ Price $

Linux is Free but support is available for a price.

Unix is free for some development use (Solaris) but support is available for a price.

UNIX Operating System Names

  1. HP-UX
  2. IBM AIX
  3. Sun Solairs
  4. Mac OS X
  5. IRIX

Linux Distribution (Operating System) Names

  1. Redhat Enterprise Linux
  2. Fedora Linux
  3. Debian Linux
  4. Suse Enterprise Linux
  5. Ubuntu Linux

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